Lipo Hymns has 293, thanks Father our God, for brother Liyulin and Licongzhi recorded all songs on July in 2016.

006 The world offended the God | 007 the God who has grace | 008 the heaven and the erth were made by God | 005 Praise the Trinity | 004 Praise the name of Trinity | 018 Sing the Lord | 002 Praise the Lord | 003 Praise the Lord happily | 009 Jesus is the son of God | 010 Jesus was in the heaven in the begining | 015 I love you my Lord | 016 Worship the savior | 017 The eternal light | 014 Praise the Lord rejoicely | 013 I rely on you my Lord | 011 Here is a famous doctor | 012 Jesus is walking by | 019 The Lord's love | 037 the King of all of the world | 023 What a great Lord | 024 Jesus is the High Priest | 025 Worship the Lord | 022 Jesus is my shepherd | 021 Go to the heaven | 001 God created the heavens and earth | 020 Glory the Lord | 026 Worship the Christ | 027 Glory the God | 033 How great the Love | 034 Praise the God's grace | 035 Thank the grace of Jesus | 031 Jesus is good friend | 030 My heart is full of God's grace | 028 Lord is my good friend | 029 the Lord is my shelter | 038 Close to the Jesus | 039 the Lord Jesus was born | 046 the Lord sacrifices for you | 047 Jesus died | 048 Jesus was crucified on the cross | 045 Good day | 044 Worship Jesus | 059 the Lord is victory | 041 the Lord saves me | 042 Praise the King in the heaven | 049 Jesus was crucified and died | 050 Jesus bleed | 055 to be with the Lord | 056 close the the cross of Lord | 058 rely on the cross | 054 dedicated myself to the Lord | 052 the Lord is rock | 051 rely on the cross | 053 the son of man was sadness | 036 Sing the Lord | 073 the Lord see | 061 Jesus came to life | 062 the Lord Jesus comes back again | 063 the day Jesus comes | 060 resurrection of Jesus | 057 the power of the cross | 040 holy baby | 043 come and worship Him | 065 The Lord gives grace to us | 064 in the Holy Spirit | 070 pray the name of the trnity | 071 remember the Lord | 072 have the rich life | 069 pray to the God's spirit | 068 the Holy Spirit leads me | 066 the Holy Spirit is with me | 067 the action of the Holy Spirit | 147 praise the Lord in the night | 128 the descendant of noah | 080 the Lord stands beside me | 081 follow the example of Daniel | 082 the Lord can save me | 079 go straight | 078 go ahead | 092 do not leave me my Lord | 075 the Lord leads me on the way heaven | 077 go ahead | 084 put my sin on Jesus | 084 love Jesus | 089 ask the Lord to use me | 090 save the sinners | 091 I need the Lord all my life | 088 live for the Lord | 087 shine for the Lord | 085 go to heaven | 086 my heart is happy | 093 rely on the Lord | 109 my heart is joyful | 097 the Lord leads me | 098 I relay on the Lord to go ahead | 099 the Lord leads me | 096 Jesus loves me so much | 095 is that me | 076 Jesus leads me | 094 to be soldier of the Lord | 100 the great grace | 101 the Lord will hand me | 106 fight the war | 107 the rich salvation | 108 the guilt is smeared | 105 work hard | 104 walk with the Lord | 102 give me the grace please | 103 The Apostles' Creed | 110 the Lord looks after us | 111 the Lord prepared for us | 116 a strong faith | 117 don't worry and fear | 118 resist the devil | 115 no weak more | 114 arrived the promised land | 129 the story of Job | 113 get peace from the Lord | 119 Watch and pray | 120 victory in Lord | 125 the human on erth | 126 created the universe | 127 the human on earth | 124 worship the Lord | 123 strong faith | 121 with Lord | 122 to be a good soldier | 130 valuable words | 146 work for Lord early | 134 distinguish good and evil | 135 King | 136 the words of praying | 133 the holy bilbe is God's book | 132 the Holy book is valuable | 112 peace from the Lord | 131 the heaven book is best | 137 the Lord is shepherd | 138 listen to Lord | 143 pray at night | 144 the sun goes down | 145 worship at the night | 142 God bless you | 141 worship the Lord | 139 the Lord looks after you | 140 pray when you get up in the morning | 075 walk with Jesus | 222 develop the kingdom of god | 154 praying | 155 worship | 156 thank Lord | 153 when you pray | 152 the working days are over | 149 evening songs | 150 sad for the soul | 151 the day of the Lord is coming | 157 the song of harvest | 158 Thanksgiving | 163 a grand gathering | 164 come together | 183 the Lord is calling you | 162 thanks the Lord in the new year | 161 the end of the year | 159 Let the Lord management | 160 bulid the church | 165 baptism | 166 Great Commission | 172 christians death | 173 the heaen is my home | 171 God bless china | 170 About Marriage | 169 marriage | 167 the bread of life | 168 Holy Communion | 174 glad for salvation | 175 Grace is infinite | 180 the journey to the heaven | 181 advise and encourage people to repent | 182 the light of universal | 179 the holy city in the heaven | 178 happiness is in the heaven home | 176 my heaven home is so glorious | 177 the good home is in heaven | 184 only the Lord is saviour | 185 beware of the devil | 190 come to the Lord soon | 191 learn the truth | 192 Jesus is here | 188 come and relay on the Lord | 188 don't dirnk | 186 the Lord's blessing | 187only the Lord is saviour | relay on the Lord | 194 advise and encourage people to repent | 199 the salvation of god | 200 lead the person to the Christ | 201 close to the Jesus | 198 the grace of God | 197 Jesus saved me | 195 God loves the people | 196 the day of the Lord is near | 201 to the holy city of heaven | 203 trust savior | 208 into the land of canaan | 209 the sin was washed | 210 trust in Jesus in all things | 207 save sinners | 205 believe Jesus quickly | 204 bring the people to Jesus | 205 the whole family belive in Jesus | 211 go where | 212 tell good news | 218 the Love is seeking me | 219 The rich man and lazarus | 220 you must rebore | 217 go forward bravely | 215 Jesus saved the people | 213 wake up and return to God | 214 Lord will accept you | 148 the time is past | 294 the praying for thanksgiving | 218 Jesus will come again | 229 Jesus loves me | 230 The children's friend | 226 song of the eight blessings | 217 Jesus loves the children | 223 to be like the Jesus | 224 please wait for a moment | 226 song of the eight blessings | 231 Praise the Lord | 232 Close to Jesus | 237 Christmas Eve | 238 the good news for shepherds | 257 the bread of life | 236 Jesus is the top one | 235 From the throne of heaven | 233 Let the children come to Jesus | 234 Jesus Christ was born | 239 worship together | 240 the christians should be sober | 245 Jesus is alive | 246 Worship the Lord | 247 I was there when God is calling the names | 244 resurrection from the grave | 243 One who does not know the Lord | 241 golgotha | 242 Proclaim the cross | 248 the day of judgment | 249 the honorable name | 254 praise the name of the Lord | 255 the perfect love | 256 In the presence of the Lord | 253 Jesus is the King | 252 how great the Jesus' mercy | 250 the peace from God | 251 the great love | 258 Happy days | 259 the repentance of the little son | 264 advised the people to repent | 265 the best soldier of Christ | 266 God protects you | 263 take care of the lamb | 262 put the fruit in the heaven | 260 Stand firmly for Jesus | 261 work for the Lord | 267 count the grace of the Lord | 268 the evening prayer | 273 pray for the food | 274 praise the Lord | 275 thankful for the food | 271 gathering song | 271 Be closer to the Lord | 269 Jesus is the best friend | 270 sadness with the Lord | 276 pray for leaveing | 277 repay for my sin | 282 Jesus' calling | 283 seeking the lost sheep | 284 whoever | 281 accept the sinners | 280 wash by the precious blood | 278 only the Lord is honorable | 279 believe in Jesus | 285 I will see the Lord | 286 the Lord's blood | 291 pray | 292 Jesus calling you | 293 walk by the spirit | 290 wish the Lord be with you | 289 the beautiful and holy city | 287 the precious truth | 288 the shiny city | 221 sow early